Strategic Initiatives and Partnerships

Culture-Transforming Projects

WEPAN's culture-transforming projects support faculty efforts to create inclusive and engaging classroom environments where diverse communities of students are welcomed and succeed.

ADVANCE Resource and Coordination (ARC) Network

The ADVANCE Resource and Coordination (ARC) Network seeks to achieve gender equity for faculty in higher education science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. As the STEM equity brain trust, the ARC Network recognizes the achievements made so far while producing new perspectives, methods and interventions with an intersectional, intentional and inclusive lens.

National Science Foundation Grant No. HRD-2121468 and HRD-1740860

Amplifying the Alliance to Catalyze Change for Equity in STEM Success (ACCESS+)

Amplifying the Alliance to Catalyze Change for Equity in STEM Success (ACCESS+) seeks to accelerate the awareness, adoption, and adaptation of NSF ADVANCE evidence-based; gender-related; diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies, practices, and programs within and across STEM professional societies. The goal of ACCESS+ is to prepare and support motivated cohorts of STEM professional society change leaders who serve as DEI “Boundary Spanners.” DEI Boundary Spanners are individuals who facilitate connection(s) between organizations by finding, translating, and diffusing DEI information and resources for mutual benefit; working to support STEM DEI reform; and “weaving” together stakeholders and partners towards collective DEI goals.

National Science Foundation Grant No. HRD-2017953

New Jersey Equity in Commercialization Collective (NJECC)

Supported by an NSF ADVANCE grant, WEPAN is collaborating with the New Jersey Commission on Science, Innovation and Technology (CSIT), NJ Edge, and NJIT to form the New Jersey Equity in Commercialization Collective (NJECC). The NJECC addresses intersectional gender equity issues in academic technology commercialization (patenting, licensing, and startup creation) by focusing on the elimination of systemic institutional and entrepreneurial eco-system barriers. Collaborators in the NJECC also include New Jersey City University, Princeton University, Rowan University, Rutgers University, Seton Hall University, Stevens Institute of Technology, and St. Peter's University.

National Science Foundation Grant No. 2121941

The ADVANCE, INCLUDES, & I-Corps Inclusion Collective

The ADVANCE, INCLUDES, & I-Corps Inclusion Collective is working with I-Corps programs to bridge diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and entrepreneurship knowledge and practice between the three NSF programs. The project is funded by the NSF I-Corps program and is a partnership between the University of Toledo, Purdue University, Michigan Technological University, New Mexico State University, Hexalign, Honeycomb Works, and WEPAN. Together with a team of consultants, including those from the NSF ADVANCE and INCLUDES communities, the project engages the I-Corps community in evidence-based change initiatives. Using a software tool and DEI audit framework, the team performs DEI audits, systemic and individual change action planning, and implementation cycles with I-Corps institutions, including the Hubs. Along the way, ADVANCE and INCLUDES team members also gain insight into entrepreneurial pathways for sustaining their DEI efforts beyond the life of their NSF grants.

National Science Foundation Grant No. 1937340

WEPAN Accelerator

The WEPAN Accelerator, funded through the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)’s Growth Accelerator Fund Competition, will provide entrepreneurial education and support to a diversity of women in engineering and work with key stakeholders to create inclusive and socially equitable entrepreneurship ecosystems. The only accelerator that takes an intersectional feminist approach to supporting women in engineering ventures, WEPAN will support four cohorts of women engineering entrepreneurs through a two-day program, including pitch events, an SBIR/STTR workshop, a HUBZone (an SBA program for small companies that operate and employ people in Historically Under-utilized Business Zones) workshop, and ongoing mentoring support from advisory boards and alumnae networks.

Women in STEM Knowledge Center

The WSKC's knowledge base makes accessible over 2,000 research and practice annotated and organized resources gathered from more than 350 publications and other sources—all focused on women in STEM. Accessible globally to anyone with internet access, the WSKC is valuable infrastructure for everyone interested in diverse communities of women in STEM: professional practitioners, academic faculty or administrators, students and parents.

Henry Luce Foundation and National Science Foundation HRD GSE 0648210, 1016711

50K Coalition

The 50K Coalition is a collaborative of more than 40 organizations focused on a bold national goal: to produce 50,000 diverse engineering graduates annually by 2025. The 50K Coalition is using the Collective Impact framework to develop an evidence-based approach that drives management decision-making, improvements, sharing of information, and collective action to achieve success across five common agenda items: 1) Undergraduate support and retention; 2) Public awareness and marketing; 3) K-12 support; 4) Community College linkages; 5) Culture and climate.

Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)

ABET is a non-governmental federation of 34 societies that accredits post-secondary education programs in applied science, computing, engineering, and engineering technology. WEPAN works will fellow member societies to set policy, develop strategy, and conduct accreditation activities worldwide on behalf of their professions.

Advancing Earth and Space Science Leadership Academy and Network for Diversity and Inclusion in the Geosciences (AGU LANDInG)

LANDInG comprises a sustainable network of (formal and informal) leaders to champion DEI values and practices, developing cohorts of new leaders to implement DEI efforts that broaden participation across the geosciences.

American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Corporate Member Council & Diversity Committee

The ASEE Corporate Member Council served as the incubator for diversity work within ASEE and links WEPAN to corporations that have a commitment to excellence in engineering education. WEPAN is a founding member of the ASEE Diversity Committee, who seeks to advance diversity through the membership of ASEE.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

ASME is a not-for-profit membership organization that enables collaboration, knowledge sharing, career enrichment, and skills development across all engineering disciplines, toward a goal of helping the global engineering community develop solutions to benefit lives and livelihoods.


Catalyst is a not-for-profit organization with a mission to accelerate progress for women through workplace inclusion. They are dedicated to creating workplaces where employees representing every dimension of diversity can thrive. WEPAN is proud to be a member organization of Catalyst.

Centre for Global Inclusion, home of the Global Diversity, Equity & Benchmarks

The Centre for Global Inclusion is a nonprofit charity that serves as a resource for research and education for individuals and organizations in their quest to improve diversity and inclusion practices around the world.

DiscoverE Diversity Council

Diversity Council is comprised of non-profits representing talent traditionally underrepresented in engineering and technology including, women, and minorities as well as the LGBT and disability communities. The Council provides the diversity lens through which all DiscoverE programs and resources must pass.

Diversity & Inclusion Research Conference (DIRC)

Since 2018, the DIRC team has been putting on a world-class conference bringing together researchers, industry professionals and other community leaders in order to foster increased collaboration to drive progress in workplaces, communities and society at large.

Engineering Research Visioning Alliance

ERVA is an NSF-funded partnership that identifies future engineering research directions by convening, connecting, and catalyzing the engineering community to develop solutions that improve the human condition.

Girl Scouts of America (GSUSA)

Girl Scouts of the United States of America, commonly referred to as simply Girl Scouts, is a youth organization for girls in the United States and American girls living abroad. Girl Scouts prepares girls to empower themselves and promotes compassion, courage, confidence, character, leadership, entrepreneurship, and active citizenship.

Invent Together

Invent Together is a coalition of organizations, universities, companies, and other stakeholders dedicated to understanding the diversity gaps in invention and patenting and supporting public policy and private initiatives to close them. WEPAN is proud to be a founding member of the Invent Together Coalition.

Million Women Mentors (MWM)

MWM supports the engagement of one million science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) mentors (male and female) to increase the interest and confidence of girls and women to persist and succeed in STEM programs and careers. MWM is a collaboration of more than 58 partners (reaching over 30 million girls and women), 30 sponsors, and 30 state leadership teams.

National Association of Multicultural Engineering Program Advocates (NAMEPA)

The National Association of Multicultural Engineering Program Advocates (NAMEPA) is the nation's leading community of change agents, cultivating diversity, access, equity, and inclusion in engineering. We are a network of university administrators, faculty, deans, pre-college educators and industry professionals all committed to implementation of programs, policies, and institutional changes to broaden participation in STEM.

National Center for Women in Information Technology (NCWIT)

NCWIT works to correct the imbalance of gender diversity in technology and computing because gender diversity positively correlates with a larger workforce, better innovation, and increased business performance. Increasing the number of women in technology and computing also has the potential to improve the design of products and services to better serve a more diverse population, and increase economic and social well-being by providing more women with stable and lucrative careers.

National Fluid Power Association (NFPA)

The National Fluid Power Association (NFPA) is a trade association focused on strengthening the hydraulics and pneumatics industry. With nearly 300 fluid power manufacturers, distributors and suppliers in its membership, NFPA works to advance fluid power education, technology and the industry as a whole.

National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP)

The vision of the NGCP is to bring together organizations throughout the United States that are committed to informing and encouraging girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)

The National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) is one of the largest student-governed organizations based in the United States. NSBE, founded in 1975, supports and promotes the aspirations of collegiate and pre-collegiate students and technical professionals in engineering and technology. NSBE's mission is "to increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community."

Societies Consortium

The mission of the Societies Consortium on Sexual Harassment in STEMM is to support academic and professional disciplinary societies in fulfilling their mission-driven roles as standard bearers and standard setters for excellence in in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medical (STEMM) fields, addressing sexual harassment in all its forms and intersectionalities.

The Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC)

HERC is a non-profit consortium of over 700 colleges, universities, hospitals, research labs, government agencies, and related non- and for-profit organizations. Consortium members share a commitment to hiring the most diverse and talented faculty, staff, and executives. HERC provides individuals seeking and in academic careers access to job opportunities and career resources to help advance your higher education career. At any given time there are over 2,000 positions in Engineering on HERC’s job board.

The National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity (NAPE)

NAPE is a consortium of state and local agencies, corporations, and national organizations. Through its four lines of business—professional development, technical assistance, research and evaluation, and advocacy—NAPE strives to achieve its mission of building educators’ capacity to implement effective solutions for increasing student access, educational equity, and workforce diversity.

Women of Color in Engineering Collaborative

The Women of Color in Engineering Collaborative is a joint effort of more than twenty leading organizations, working together to provide the resources needed to create a supportive, encouraging, and inclusive environment for women of color in engineering. Its vision of the Women of Color in Engineering Collaborative is for women of color to feel a sense of belonging and to be fully included in engineering; for them to thrive and be valued as their authentic selves, empowering them to fully use their strengths to lead in positions of influence, innovate in their field, mentor and champion others.

Transforming Engineering Culture to Advance Inclusion and Diversity

TECAID provided professional development for five U.S. Mechanical Engineering (ME) department leadership teams to create and sustain inclusive cultures that benefit all participants–in classrooms and labs, in student design groups, in faculty meetings and hallway interactions, and in underlying department dynamics. This ground-breaking project provided intensive professional development, expert consultation, and a facilitated virtual learning community.

National Science Foundation Grant No. EEC-1445076

Engineering Inclusive Teaching

EIT was a unique faculty professional development program that helps educators craft inclusive engineering learning environments. EIT’s convenient live and recorded EIT webinars and action check-lists:

  • Distill best-practice research findings from social scientists.
  • Share practical advice from master engineering educators.
  • Provide time-effective resources tailored to engineering faculty.
  • Benefit faculty and students.

National Science Foundation Grant No. HRD GSE 1203164

Engaging Students in Engineering

ENGAGE Engineering was an NSF-funded initiative launched in 2009 to increase the capacity of engineering schools to retain undergraduate students by implementing proven, research-based strategies into engineering programs. The resources offered through ENGAGE are enhancements that can be easily integrated into existing courses.  

National Science Foundation Grant No. HRD ESE 0833076

The ACE Initiative

WEPAN launched the ACE Initiative, a multi-year, industry-university initiative to transform the culture of the engineering profession. ACE: Brought together forward-thinking corporate and university partners who are committed to building inclusive environments along the engineering education-to-workforce pipeline. Developed and implemented a model program, with future expansion to more industry-university partners. Selected, translated and aggregated proven, research-based, gender equity and inclusion strategies for implementation in company and university settings to shape a culture that retains women engineers. Developed rigorous metrics and assessments, and manage processes for Accelerator Partners to track progress and impact. Developed and implement shared goals; metrics and tracking; mutually beneficial programmatic efforts; and accountability.

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