2021 Virtual Women of Color Summit: Leveraging, Learning, and Leading

The WEPAN Virtual Women of Color Summit: Leveraging, Learning, and Leading took place November 9, 1-5pm ET and November 10, 11am-4pm ET.

WEPAN WOCS 2021 workshops provided a platform for women of color in the STEM fields and their allies to network, engage in authentic discussions, and share best practices.

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Whitney Gaskins, Assistant Dean of Inclusive Excellence and Community Engagement, University of Cincinnati College of Engineering and Applied Science on November 9
Dr. Pamela Padilla, Professor, Associate Vice President of Research and Innovation, Department of Biological Sciences, University of North Texas on November 10

The 2021 WOCS program contains session descriptions and speaker bios.

Day 1: November 9, 2021, 1PM-5PM EST
1:00PM -1:45PM
Welcome & Day 1 Keynote
We Lose the Game before We Start to Play: Dr. W. Gaskins
1:45PM - 2:15PM
2:15PM - 3:45PM
Day 2: November 10, 2021, 11AM-4PM EST
11:00AM - 11:30AM
Welcome & Day 2 Keynote
Authentic Change for True Diversity
Dr. P. Padilla
11:30AM -12:30PM
12:30PM - 1:15PM
Lightning Round

PARTNERS IN “PRIME”- The “Force” of Female Scientists Uniting To Prepare WOC For STEM
Dr. M. Colbert and Dr. A. Rigos

Plug in for Diversity and Inclusion: How Everyone Can Contribute to Building Their Company’s DNA
Dr. T. Nelson and J. Montañez
2:00PM - 3:00PM
A Model for Recruiting and Retaining Women of Color in the STEM Professoriate
Dr. S. Thomas, Dr. A. Watson, Dr. H. Mariella-Walrond, Dr. T. Lane, and  Dr. S. Johnson Austin

Sponsored by the NSF Division of Industrial Innovation and Partnerships

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