Thriving vs. Surviving: A Four-Frame Model for Creating Inclusive Learning Environments
A Useful, Effective, and Comprehensive Framework for Educators!
The Engineering Inclusive Teaching (EIT) project offers this publicly-accessible, highly interactive webinar on how to craft an equitable and inclusive learning environment. You are sure to come way with practical strategies and tips to apply to your own teaching.
Utilizing an innovative framework developed at the Simmons School of Management for promoting equity in organizations, we will explore the application of this 4-frame model for inclusivity and change in learning environments.
The frames provided help educators examine practices that:
1. Equip the individual student;
2. Reduce barriers to student engagement;
3. Recognize and value the diversity students bring; and
4. Create the foundation for an ongoing, iterative approach to crafting an inclusive, equitable context for all learners.
This well-integrated approach helps educators recognize and address the complex role diversity plays in learning environments. You will never think of equity in education in quite the same way.
This webinar is relevant to all interested educators. Examples will be engineering specific.