Stereotype Threat and the Nature and Nurture of Intelligence

May 8, 2012
12:00 pm


Dr. Joshua Aronson will discuss what psychologists have learned about how certain situations can make people less intelligent, and what we can do to counter the power of these situations to encourage the expression and the development of intelligent thought and academic achievement.  Joshua Aronson and his team have conducted numerous studies showing how stereotype threat depresses the standardized test performance of black, Latino and female college students. Understanding can help young people achieve their academic aspirations.Aronson and his colleagues are widely considered experts in this field, and they are now working to boost the learning achievement, test performance and enjoyment of school among underachieving youth.



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Joshua Aronson

Joshua Aronson is associate professor of developmental, social, and educational psychology, at NYU.  He received his Ph.D. in 1992 from Princeton University.  Before coming to NYU, he was on the faculty at the University of Texas and was a postdoctoral scholar and lecturer at Stanford University.

Aronson's research focuses on the social and psychological influences on academic achievement.  One of the most widely cited social scientists in the past decade, Aronson is internationally known for his research on "stereotype threat" and minority student achievement, research that offers a strong challenge to traditional genetic and sociological explanations of why African Americans and Latinos perform less well on tests of intelligence than their White counterparts, and why women trail men in hard math and science.

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