2023 Women in Engineering Virtual Program Day

Started in 2021, the WIEP and WOCS are manifestations of WEPAN’s commitment to support practitioners of Women in Engineering (WIE) and synonymous programs (WiSE, MEP, etc.) and prioritizing Women of Color in engineering and STEM more broadly.

All times are in Eastern Time

Women in Engineering Program Day Agenda

Wednesday, October 18, 2023 - 11a-4p ET


Keynote Session: Jenna Carpenter, PhD


Panel Session: Experiences of Early Career Women Engineers
Andria Lyons, Principal Systems Engineer, Northrop Grumman
Erica Owen
, Controls Engineer, Windlift
Megan Morin, PhD,
Associate Director for Engineering Faculty Advancement, North Carolina State University
Shenequa Hayes, Vice President,
NSBE Charlotte Professionals Chapter


Coffee/Networking Break

1:30 - 2:20p

"Messages Matter – Creating Inclusive Engineering Experiences"
Thea Sahr, Deputy Executive Director, DiscoverE
Kathy Renzetti, Executive Director and CEO, DiscoverE


"Promoting Community Engaged Research and Diversity in Engineering: A Matter of Equity, Justice, and Global Security(?)" Lupita D. Montoya, PhD, Research Associate, San Diego State University
Andrea Ferro, PhD, Professor and Associate Director for Research, Clarkson University

Register Today!

Keynote Speaker

Jenna Carpenter, PhD

Immediate Past President, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE); Founding Dean and Professor of Engineering, Campbell University

Jenna Carpenter is founding dean and professor of engineering at Campbell University in North Carolina and president of the ASEE. An expert on issues impacting the success of women in STEM and on innovative STEM curricula, she has held numerous national leadership roles with organizations such as ASEE and WEPAN, is an ABET program evaluator, serves on the executive committee of the Global Engineering Deans Council, and is a past member of the US Engineering Deans Council. Her research focuses on integrated STEM curricula and improving the success of women in STEM fields. She regularly speaks around the country about her research, and one of her most well known speeches is her TEDx talk “Engineering: Where are the girls and why aren’t they here?”

Group photo of participants at the Emerging Research Workshop.
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